
Forbes Blasts FDA for Unconstitutional "Regulation by Intimidation"

In a recent groundbreaking editorial, Forbes magazine called the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to account for playing into the hands of politicians seeking publicity and attorneys trying to win judgements.  Forbes specifically accuses the FDA of levying threats and intimidation against companies using caffeine in their products.  According to the editorial, this bullying is not […]

The DSM-5: American Psychiatric Association Goes Berserk over Caffeine!

In the new fifth edition of the American  Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5), “caffeine intoxication” and “caffeine withdrawal” have been lumped in with heroin and alcohol addiction in the APA’s official list of mental disorders.  As a result of such dubious notions, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has nixed the DSM and […]