
Harvard Study Confirms Caffeine in Coffee Fights Depression in Women

A new study conducted at Harvard University found that women who regularly consume the caffeine in coffee are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not.  This finding is in line with the long-recognized fact, confirmed in repeated studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Roland Griffiths, PhD, dean of U.S. caffeine researchers, […]

Coffee Tasting – Ethiopian Yirgacheffe

As I promised in my last post, here I compare the Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee to the Guatemalan Heuheutenango that I currently favor.  The Yirgacheffe has a distinctive flavor, caused partly by the fact that it is wet processed.  Here is a summary of dry processing versus wet processing.  Dry Process Dry process, also known as […]

Coffee Tasting – Central American

Well, Bennett has asked me to be a guest contributor.  So I’ll rehash some of my taste tests of various coffee beans and then survey some new ones. My first test was the Guatemalan Huehuetenango versus the very expensive Hawaiian Kona. Well, after a careful comparison of the $54 a pound Hawaiian Kona to the […]

Caffeine in Coffee Cuts Stroke Risk

A new study appearing in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association revealed that women who drank more than one cup of coffee a day had about a 25 percent lower risk of ischemic strokes than women who drank less.   Ischemic strokes are responsible for over 85% of strokes. To conduct this study, in 1997 Swedish […]

Zagat Joins Starbucks Evil Empire of Burned Coffee Beans

It might be hard to believe, but Zagat, for three years running, has voted Starbucks as the #1 Best Coffee among Fast Food and Quick Refreshment chains.  This, despite the fact that blind taste tests, including the ones conducted by Consumer Reports, consistently put Starbucks at the bottom of the list, calling their coffee “bitter” and “burned.”  […]

Caffeine and Coffee Expert Bennett Alan Weinberg Joins ExpertInsight

NEW YORK, Aug 30, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) — How much do you really know about Americans’ number one drug of choice — caffeine?  Are you a barista who wants to know more about your craft, a coffee connoisseur, or merely in search of a new way to please your palate or understand the history of […]