It’s been known for several years that caffeine can help stop the development of Alzheimer’s disease and even reverse some of the decrements in mental function caused by the disease. However, according to a new study of mice published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, coffee may afford additional protection to stopping the progression of the neurological disease. The development revealed in the current study is that some mystery ingredient in coffee apparently increases the protection afforded by caffeine.
Scientists at the University of South Florida say that this benefit is owing to a factor called GCSF (granulocyte colony stimulating factor).
“Caffeinated coffee provides a natural increase in blood GCSF levels,” said USF neuroscientist Dr. Chuanhai Cao. ”The exact way that this occurs is not understood. There is a synergistic interaction between caffeine and some mystery component of coffee that provides this beneficial increase in blood GCSF levels.”
Mice had to consume the rodent equivalent of four cups a day to show improvement.
“We are not saying that daily moderate coffee consumption will completely protect people from getting Alzheimer’s disease,” said Dr. Cao. “However, we do believe that moderate coffee consumption can appreciably reduce your risk of this dreaded disease or delay its onset.”
Alzheimer’s begins several decades before it is diagnosed. Therefore, protective therapy would probably have to be employed for decades.
“We believe moderate daily consumption of caffeinated coffee is the best current option for long-term protection against Alzheimer’s memory loss,” stated Dr. Cao. “Coffee is inexpensive, readily available, easily gets into the brain, appears to directly attack the disease process, and has few side-effects for most of us.”
Yet another reason to enjoy several cups of coffee a day, if you can handle it!