
The hosts of WorldofCaffeine.com are holding a Caffeine Tales and Fancies Story Contest.  Visitors to our web site are invited to submit anecdotes, short true stories, and imaginative fugues all about what caffeine does to you and for you!  We’re looking for submissions of about 300 words, but we won’t penalize anyone for departing from this length.

The best entry will receive a copy of The World of Caffeine: The Science and Culture of the World’s Most Popular Drug In addition, the winning entry and runners-up will be posted on our WorldofCaffeine.com web site.

The World of Caffeine

Suggestions:  Write a short description or account of an experience or experiences you’ve had when using caffeine. For example, if you used caffeine to help you work on and solve a complex programming problem, or if caffeine enabled you safely to complete a long drive at night, or if caffeine stimulated your conversation and turned an accidental meeting into a lasting friendship. Put the description into an e-mail in the form in the right-hand margin of each page of this web site.
Our contest will continue until at least 100 entrants have submitted acceptable entires. 
To enter, please e-mail your submission to caffeine@WorldofCaffeine.com.  Multiple entries are invited.

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