
Caffeine Increases Recognition of Positive Words

A recent study finds that people recognize words associated with positive thoughts more quickly after they have consumed caffeine. Many people do not feel “like themselves” before they enjoy a morning cup of coffee. Now this study finds that the enhanced sense of well-being that caffeine creates is reflected in our perception of words.  As […]

Mega Doses of Caffeine: Why People Like Starbucks Burned, Bitter Brew

Obviously, few people actually enjoy the flavor of the bitter, burned beans that Starbucks serves.  So why do customers continue to line up to buy large servings of Starbucks expensive coffee? The answer may surprise you.  Starbucks apparently uses cheap robusta coffee beans.  These beans have twice the caffeine of higher quality arabica coffees.  This […]

A Better Work Day: Using Caffeine on the Job

Cooks and servers, scientists, sales representatives, nurses, writers and editors, executives, teachers, and engineers were some of the workers who say they work better after drinking coffee, according to a new national survey commissioned by Dunkin’ Donuts and CareerBuilder. In a national survey of over 4,000 people, nearly 50 percent said that their job performance suffers […]

The Caffeine Cure for Jet Lag

After taking a long airline flight that crosses several time zones, most people experience difficulty adjusting to the schedule of mornings and nights at their point of arrival.  When the traveler is “out of step” with the new time zone, he is said to suffer from “jet lag,” which is really a disturbance of the biological clock. […]

The Caffeine Triangle: Health, Performance, Mood

  HEALTH Caffeine delivers an abundance of health benefits, such as a decreased risk of stroke, high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia, clinical depression, Parkinson’s disease, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstones, head and neck cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, liver cancer, skin cancer, and prostate cancer, and the pulmonary complications […]

Harvard Study Confirms Caffeine in Coffee Fights Depression in Women

A new study conducted at Harvard University found that women who regularly consume the caffeine in coffee are less likely to suffer from depression than those who do not.  This finding is in line with the long-recognized fact, confirmed in repeated studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Roland Griffiths, PhD, dean of U.S. caffeine researchers, […]

Caffeine and an "Attitude of Success"

Many studies have proven that caffeine increases feelings of optimism and self-confidence and dispels boredom and fatigue.  Caffeine also increases mental and physical capacities and allows you to release your hidden potential.  Can there be any doubt that this line up of benefits adds up to creating an “attitude of success” in the caffeine user, […]

Yerkes-Dodson Effect: How Much Coffee or Caffeine is Too Much?

One of the reasons that caffeine is not a drug of abuse is that, unlike cocaine, amphetamine, or heroin, caffeine does not produce effects that indefinitely increase as you increase the dose.  Caffeine has a built in mechanism that guarantees that a little does a little, more does more, but even more starts to reverse the beneficial effects […]

Caffeine Protects the Brain from Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

There are no more dreaded misfortunes of increasing age than the onset of the debilitating brain diseases, Alzheimer’s disease and senile dementia.  What could caffeine have to do with these life-destroying, intractable conditons? It’s simple:  Caffeine is a tonic for the brain.  Substantial evidence from epidemiological studies and animal research demonstrates that caffeine protects us from the […]

Zen and Caffeine: Tranquil Energy

Caffeine is a CNS (Central Nervous System) stimulant.  Most stimulants, such as methamphetamine and cocaine, increase anxiety.  Perhaps for this reason, the myth has arisen that caffeine makes you edgy and nervous and tense.  However, the exact opposite is the truth! Pharmacologically, caffeine achieves its effects differently from any other stimulants.  Caffeine increases your energy, […]